Should we stay or should we go? Great song and topic of 90% of Brad and my "discussions" recently. Actually, most empty nesters have to answer this question eventually. Downsize, bigger house, change cities, move to a farm. Always wanted a strawberry farm.....
We have lived in our house for 25 years and have loved our house/community and everything that encompasses it. We were forced (HOA) to paint the outside of our house this year. And in emptynestersfinally's world (Karen and Brad live there), if we were going to paint the outside then the inside needed to be painted too. I can justify anything. Try me. Brad has. He loses every time. It's one of my many talents, more on that later.
It actually started last year, when my washing machine broke (we all remember that.) Brad really did make a gallant effort but somethings are not meant to last forever. And we all know what happens when one object breaks down, 2 more
are guaranteed to bite the dust (if you are superstitious and it fits your blog).
So it truly was not a surprise to me that our dryer broke this year, Brad apparently does not believe in this theory and was very surprised.
So I (we) became the lucky recipient of a new dryer this week. I have never been happier.
This leads me back to should we move or should we go. Since I (we) got a new dryer that got me thinking that I should empty the laundry room and dispose of all the "stuff" that does not make me smile, thank you to the book "Art of Tidying Up." I would only put things back that I want.
And since we are going to the trouble of clearing out (minimalizing ) the objects that are not necessary to our lives, I thought it would be important to create a new, happy place for me (us) to do laundry. Is that even possible? A laundry room that brings a smile to your face. Crazy but I know we can do it. I even got Brad to go through his extra cords.
So we shall stay in our humble abode for a while... or at least until we have another area that needs sprucing up and we decide to discuss moving again ....
Happy Empty Nesting!!